Renewable energy: impact on GDP of France
- 6 July 2016
The development of green energy could bring 3 points in addition to French GDP by 2050.
Thursday, June 30, the Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) released the results of its prospective study.
Conclusion: the deployment of renewable energy in the coming years would impact positively, growth, employment and the purchasing power of French households.
To explain this trend, ADEME estimates that total energy consumption will be halved by 2050.
The drop of the cost of renewable sectors explains this decrease.
In parallel, new solutions adapted to demand may emerge. Also, storage of intermittent resources will grow.
ADEME's analyzes were conducted using three sénarios comptatibles with the objectives of the Law on Energy Transition:
- a French 100% renewable energy with the development of wind energy networks on land and at sea,
- a French 100% renewable energy but in a "moderate acceptability", ie favoring the solar roof and marine energy,
- a French energy 80% renewable and the rest by nuclear or fossil.
According to these variants, GDP would be higher by 3.6% to 3.9% level expected without any energy transition.
Other positive effects of the energy transition
The "expansionary" effects take precedence over the "recessive" effects generated by these energy models.
Evidenced, one of the main indicators: the revival of the country's economic activity. Between 830 000 and 900 000 jobs could be created and far exceed the number of lost jobs in the nuclear, automobile and fossil resources.
And, the French population salary, with the reduction of the energy bill (halved), would benefit about 250 billion euros per year, or 3,300 euros on average by resident.
Moreover, this energy transfer would cause a decrease ranging from 68% to 72% of carbon emissions.