Legal notices
1. Publisher
This website has been published by Etablissement de Retraite Additionnel de la Fonction Publique (ERAFP), a French public administrative establishment governed by Decree No 2004-569 of 18 June 2004 on the French Public Service Additional Pension Scheme, the registered office of which is located at 12 Rue Portalis, CS 40007, 75381 Paris Cedex 08.
2. Person liable for website content
Régis Pélissier, Chief Executive Officer of ERAFP
3. Content manager
ERAFP’s Communications department
4. Website host
2 rue Bréguet
75 011 Paris
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Although the editorial and technical teams take the utmost care when drafting and posting documents online, spelling mistakes and/or inaccuracies may occur. ERAFP reserves the right to correct any such mistakes and/or inaccuracies at any time, as soon as it becomes aware of them.
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- the integrity of the information produced must be protected;
- the source must be quoted; and
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9. Photo credits
Getty Image, Thinkstock