Visuel d'illustration pour <span>Voting at General Meetings of Shareholders (GMs) - Review of 2016</span>

Voting at General Meetings of Shareholders (GMs) - Review of 2016

  • Publié le : 29/03/2017
  • Mis à jour le : 12/12/2022

Each ERAFP delegated management company exercises the voting rights attached to the shares held on behalf of ERAFP:

- for the entire portfolio under management;
- by applying ERAFP’s specific voting policy.

ERAFP conducted a detailed and coordinated review of voting by its management companies, on the basis of a sample of:

- 40 French companies;
- 20 foreign companies.

Overall, the sample represented just less than 50% of ERAFP’s equities portfolio in terms of market capitalisation.