General information
ERAFP signer of the "Declaration on ESG by the EAPSPI"
- 31 January 2020
ERAFP is a signatory of the ESG Declaration of the European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions (EAPSPI). This declaration was adopted at the last general assembly of the association held in Munich on October 25, 2019.
The "European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions (EAPSPI) Statement on ESG" states the recognition by its signatories, beyond their commitments as managers of pension systems, of a "broader responsibility to society and the environment, as workplaces and organizations participating in economic life".
This responsibility "as public sector pension institutions" is reflected in :
- "a commitment to take into account aspects related to the consequences and sustainability of the activities they finance" ;
- exemplarity in their field of activity and contribution "to the foundations of a sustainable environment for present and future generations";
- the integration of "extra-financial considerations" which "are [...] also part of risk management and mitigation and are directly linked to fiduciary duty".
For these reasons, EAPSPI members "are committed to continuing to share expertise and information in this area where differences in approach or experience promote collective understanding and progress."
The association's members also say they are ready for "the implementation of sustainable finance regulations" which "will be the next challenge ahead".
The association's members also say they are ready for "the implementation of sustainable finance regulations" which "will be the next challenge ahead".
The EAPSPI brings together 24 public sector pension schemes from 15 European countries, responsible for around 33 million active and retired public sector members. Its objective is to enable its members to improve mutual knowledge of their institutions and of the social system in their respective countries.