ERAFP launches a call for tenders to renew its convertible bond management mandates
- 22 October 2019
Paris, 22 October 2019 – With the convertible bond management mandates awarded in 2012 expiring in 2020, the French public sector additional pension scheme (ERAFP) is launching a call for tenders to award three SRI mandates (two active and one stand-by) for the international convertible bond portfolio
ERAFP is launching a call for tenders to award mandates to manage international convertible bonds in accordance with the Scheme’s SRI approach.
The objective for the successful managers will be to develop an active, non-benchmarked management of a portfolio of international convertible bonds and to outperform the benchmark index.
The portfolio's composition, decided by the investment firm, must comply with ERAFP’s SRI framework. To this end, the investment firm must analyse each convertible bond in its portfolio in light of ERAFP’s SRI criteria, using its own means and/or external resources.
By way of indication, the amount initially awarded under the two active mandates will be around €700 million.
The mandates awarded are for an initial term of four years; ERAFP may renew the contracts for two successive one-year periods.
The tender file is available at www.achatpublic.com. There is also a link to this platform from ERAFP's website (www.rafp.fr).