The COP21 to D-100 : where are we ?
- 25 August 2015
The opening of the UN Conference on Climate Change will be in Paris on November 30, 2015. 195 countries are invited to reach an international agreement to keep global warming below 2 ° C.
A large mobilization
At the moment, 56 countries, responsible for more 60.3% of greenhouse gas emissions, published their commitment and their respective contributions. In parallel, the negotiating text , published July 24 , was clarified and structured. It specifies what could be included in the final agreement of Paris, which could be the subject of specific decisions and what is subject to discussion.
Civil society also mobilized. Scientists, investors, entrepreneurs, local leaders make their solutions. More than 3,500 commitments have already been registered on the portal NAZCA. France has also started a call for tender for the animation of " Generation Climate spaces" (stands, exhibitions, conferences ...) , positioned near to the conference during COP21. 1021 non-governmental organizations have answered.
September 10 : official launch
The September 10, 2015, the President of the Republic, with all stakeholders (government, NGOs, scientists, local politicians, companies...), will launch the French mobilization for COP21.
- 6 and 7 September : the 45 countries's ministers are invited by the French Presidency to discuss the major policy issues of the future agreement.
- September 27 : all heads of state and government will meet for a day dedicated to climate at the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York.