In its report "The Economic Consequences of Air Pollution", OECD informs of health risks related to air pollution by 2060.
According to forecasts of the organization, in this term, the air pollution is the cause of 6-9 million premature deaths.
Also, this phenomenon would cost 1% GDP - 2600 billion per year - due to increased sickness leave, additional medical costs, less dense crop yields.
The impact on GDP would feel more in India, China, Russia and Western Europe.
With more increased exposure to emissions from power plants and exhaust gas, the people of India, China, Korea and the countries of Central Asia would suffer the largest increases of premature mortality.
While China's figures tripling between 2010 and 2060, those of India would be multiplied by 4.
However, the USA, the mortality rate would be stabilized. It could also lower in European countries thanks to actions in favor of the environment, including the development of so-called soft modes of transport.
The report is available here.
TO 2060 :
- annual health costs would approach USD 176 billion (against USD 21 billion in 2015) in 2060,
- a person would die prematurely due to air pollution every 4 or 5 seconds,
- the number of working days lost due to illness linked to pollution increase from 1.2 to 3.7 billion.