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140 News
20 April 2016

Investors in favor of the #ParisAgreement

Seven financial organizations sent a letter for members of the G20, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

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12 April 2016

Go to the #COP22

Monday, April 11, the Steering Committee of the COP22 received the technical and financial partners of the event, in Rabat, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance .

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4 April 2016

A mission on the carbon price

Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and Marine, in charge of international climate negotiations, instructed Pascal Canfin, Gérard Mestrallet and Alain Grandjean to forward proposals on the establishment of a carbon prices in Europe.

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Shareholder engagement
22 March 2016

ERAFP presents its voting policy and shareholder engagement strategy for 2016

In line with the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), of which it is a signatory, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has updated its shareholder engagement guidelines and voting policy for 2016.

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16 March 2016

23% of global mortality related to the environment

The report of the World Health Organization attests: 1/4 of deaths worldwide is due to the environment.

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10 March 2016

Mobilization of France for the implementation of the Paris Agreement

Two parliaments have already begun their process of ratification of the Paris Agreement: Fiji Islands and Palau. For the text to be effective, a minimum 55 stakeholders, representing at least 55% of total emissions of greenhouse gases must ratify it.

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7 March 2016

SRI Label: 2 certification bodies selected

The two agencies in charge of assigning the energy and ecological transition label Climate (TEEC) were chosen.

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4 March 2016

Paris Agreement soon ratifed by France

Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and the Sea, in charge of International Relations on climate, has hired a national procedure for the ratification of the Paris Agreement by France.

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29 February 2016

Ségolène Royal to meet African Presidents

Ségolène Royal, Minister of Environment, Energy and Maritime Affairs and President of the COP21 visited Africa from 23 to 28 February.

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17 February 2016

COP21: the Paris Agreement ratified by Fiji

It is the first country ratified the Paris Agreement, signed at the end of COP21.

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12 February 2016

What does the #ParisAgreement Mean for You?

The UN climate invites leaders, investors, companies, citizens to create and share a 30-second video in which they specify what it means for them the Paris Agreement signed on 22 April in New York.

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8 February 2016

The #COP22 in Marrakech is organized

It is the site Bab Ighli in Marrakech will host the next United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of November 7 to 18, 2016.

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