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140 News
3 February 2016

ERAFP launches a tender for selection of Private Equity and Infrastructure managers

As part of its policy of expanding its investment universe and in accordance with its SRI approach, the French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) has launched a restricted call for tender for the award of Private Equity and Infrastructure mandates.

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27 January 2016

500 Global Investors Managing Trillions : Mobilize Action in Wake of Paris Climate Agreement

NEW YORK CITY – January 27, 2016 – On the heels of the historic international climate agreement in Paris, more than 500 global investors gathered today at the United Nations to begin mobilizing the trillions of dollars needed to catalyze the global clean energy transition.

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22 January 2016

Priority climate data for 2016

Wednesday, January 20, Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced to MEPs climate priorities for 2016.

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18 January 2016

Creation of the SRI label

The creation of the SRI label is official since the release of the decree in the Official Gazette of 10 January 2016

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21 December 2015

Law on the energy transition: climate action mandatory for companies and institutional investors

Thursday, December 17, Segolene Royal, Minister for Ecology, Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance and Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health have jointly signed a decree under Article 173.

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17 December 2015

COP21 : the appeal of Paris

Wednesday, December 16, 850 organizations, 400 companies, 120 investors, 150 cities and regions signed the Paris Appeal.

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14 December 2015

COP21 : the Paris agreement on climate adopted

The Paris agreement and the decision that precedes it were adopted Saturday, December 12, 2015 around 19:30 at Le Bourget by delegates from 196 Parties at the climate convention, as the principle of consensus.

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11 December 2015

COP21 : where we are ?

For two weeks in Paris , the 196 parties to work on an agreement dedicated to the fight against climate change.

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7 December 2015

COP21 : progress of negotiations

For a week, the representatives of 195 countries or governments work in the making of an international agreement to keep global warming below 2 ° C.

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26 November 2015

Climate, the proof by action

It is no longer disputed that the world’s surface temperature has risen steadily over the industrial age. In this context, as part of their duty of trust, institutional investors must assess whether climate change poses a threat to their ability to meet the commitments they have…

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26 November 2015

ERAFP’s climate action prior to COP21

A few days before the COP21, focus on commitments and initiatives taken by ERAFP about climate.

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20 November 2015

IPE Awards 2015

At the 15th IPE Awards held in Barcelona on 19 November, French public service additional pension scheme (ERAFP) won top prize in the SRI policy category.

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