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140 News
Financial management
28 March 2013

ERAFP awards three Multi-Asset Fund of Funds management mandates

In line with ERAFP’s policy of broadening its investment universe and in accordance with the five values of its SRI charter, the French public service additional pension scheme has just awarded one active and two stand-by multi-asset fund of funds management mandates.

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Financial management
5 March 2013

ERAFP awards three real estate investment management mandates in France

ERAFP awards three real estate investment management mandates in France

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10 January 2013

ERAFP signs up to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change

To increase its effectiveness in applying the Principles for Responsible Investment to which it is a signatory, the board of directors of the French Public Service Additional Pension Scheme (ERAFP) has decided to sign up to two international initiatives.

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Financial management
25 October 2012

ERAFP awards two active investment management mandates

In line with ERAFP’s policy of broadening its investment universe and in accordance with the five values of its SRI charter, the French public service additional pension scheme has just awarded two active and four stand-by investment management mandates.

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17 July 2012

ERAFP launches a call for tenders from investment companies for the allocation of financial management mandates

In connection with the diversification of its asset allocation, the French Public Service Additional Pension Scheme (ERAFP), is launching a restricted call for tenders for the allocation of three diversified fund of funds portfolio management mandates.

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8 February 2012

ERAFP launches a tender targeting investment companies for the allocation of two financial investment mandates

As part of its asset allocation diversification programme, the French Public Service Additional Pension Scheme (ERAFP) is launching a selective tender procedure for convertible bond investment.

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7 February 2012

ERAFP launches a tender targeting investment companies for the allocation of two real estate investment mandates

ERAFP launches a tender targeting investment companies for the allocation of two real estate investment mandates

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17 November 2011

The Environmental, Social and Governance investment industry shines the spotlight on BEST INVESTOR IN ESG

The Environmental, Social and Governance investment industry shines the spotlight on BEST INVESTOR IN ESG

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Financial management
8 November 2011

ERAFP has awarded its first Real Estate mandate

ERAFP has awarded its first Real Estate mandate

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Financial management
9 June 2011

L’ERAFP is tendering for the allocation of a mandate for managing a real estate asset

L’ERAFP is tendering for the allocation of a mandate for managing a real estate asset

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Financial management
31 March 2011

ERAFP allocates six active financial management mandates

ERAFP allocates six active financial management mandates

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Financial management
5 October 2010

The ERAFP attributes three extra-financial rating contracts to Vigeo

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